CSU Policy: Naming University Properties

Policy Title: Naming University Properties Category: Administration
Owner: Board of Governors of the CSU System Policy ID#: 5-0001-002
University Advancement
Web: http://giving.colostate.edu
Email: supportcsu@ua.colostate.edu
Phone: (970) 491-2503
Original Effective Date: 5/31/2011
Last Revision: 11/8/2016
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Attachments to this Policy:


The purpose of this policy and related guidelines is to address the naming of administrative units (colleges, schools, departments, research units, centers, institutes, special units), facilities, as well as interior and exterior spaces and fixtures (such as memorial or commemorative trees, benches or plaques) to recognize a particular individual(s) or organization(s).  These Guidelines were developed to create consistency and offer parameters for the naming process.

The guidelines are not intended to address the naming of facilities for the sole purpose of mapping or locating the facility on campus, which authority rests with Facilities Management Services.  To address the naming of academic programs for pedagogical purposes, the process and authority is addressed in the Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual, Section C.2.2.

Prior to approval of this policy, there was a policy entitled “Honorary Degree Guidelines and Naming of Facilities Policy and Guidelines” at CSU.  The policy and guidelines found herein are intended to replace those guidelines but only to the extent that they address naming of administrative units/facilities/interior and exterior spaces and fixtures.  These guidelines are not intended to address the awarding of honorary degrees.


On Aug. 26, 2005, the Colorado State University Board of Governors (BOG) approved a system policy for the approval of named buildings, colleges, departments, facilities, programs, and other major structures.  At the conclusion of The Campaign for Colorado State in 2012, a committee of stakeholders was convened, the policy was reviewed and has been amended to address specific issues and enhance the policy.  This revised policy document addresses the procedures for Colorado State University staff to follow in recommending a “naming” to the president, chancellor and BOG.

All naming proposals are to be submitted to the Vice President for University Advancement (VPUA).  The VPUA will forward all honorary and naming gifts valued at $250,000 and higher to the University Naming Committee (see below).  If the president approves the recommendation, the naming proposal will be sent to the BOG for final approval.  The VPUA will seek independent approval from the president for naming gifts valued at less than $250,000.  These namings will not need approval of the BOG.

The complete Policy and Guidelines Governing the Naming of Administrative Units/ Facilities/ Interior and Exterior Spaces and Fixtures is attached, below.


Policy and Guidelines Governing the Naming of Administrative Units/Facilities/Interior and Exterior Spaces and Fixtures at Colorado State University


Approved by the Board of Governors on May 3, 2013

Revisions approved by the University Naming Committee, November 8, 2016


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