Policies of Colorado State University

University Policy

University Seal
Policy Title: Vehicle Safety and Access, Core Campus Category: Administration
Owner: Vice President for University Operations Policy ID#: 5-6030-010
Facilities Management-Dispatch
Web: https://www.fm.colostate.edu/
Email: fac_pg_shared_dispatch@mail.colostate.edu
Phone: (970) 491-0077
Original Effective Date: 6/1/2000
Last Revision: 2/10/2019


The purpose of this policy is:

  1. To promote and provide a safer environment for students, employees, and visitors, while simultaneously providing vehicle access for the operational needs of the University.
  2. To set clear expectations for the operation of all vehicles on the pedestrian mall, including outside vendors.
  3. To establish proper safety protocols and practices for use of departmental vehicles.


This policy applies to all vehicles, including private company vehicles (e.g., armored trucks, newspaper delivery, beverage vendors), as well as state and University vehicles (e.g., service and delivery vehicles).

Vehicle use shall be limited to authorized vehicles in the campus pedestrian core area. Vehicle use is discouraged whenever possible. Access will be limited to off-peak hours when possible, and specifically not during class change times, 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Vehicles in the core area at class change will remain parked until it is safe to move.


All emergency response vehicles may access the campus core area at any time, as their need dictates.


“Vehicles” as used in this policy include vehicles licensed for road use (e.g. cars, trucks, and vans), exclusive of service carts, which are addressed in another policy.

“Campus pedestrian core” means the Center Avenue mall from Lake Street to the Engineering Building, Isotope Drive from Oval Drive to Center Avenue/Lory Student Center, the Lory Student Center/Morgan Library plaza area, and the CSU Transit Center adjoining to the north.

“Authorized vehicles” include those approved by Parking and Transportation Services to access the campus pedestrian core, Facilities Management service vehicles, Police Department vehicles, Central Receiving service vehicles, Environmental Health Services service vehicles, Lory Student Center vehicles, and vehicles belonging to external service providers whose access is authorized by the Lory Student Center.


The policy supports the University Master Plan concept of a main campus pedestrian core. Please refer to the campus core map to see the expanse that makes up the campus pedestrian core. Vehicle use in the core area shall be restricted to provide a safe, pedestrian friendly, aesthetic environment.


  1. Authorized vehicles may access the campus pedestrian core via approved routes by driving on the paved concrete surfaces to reach designated delivery points using existing parking areas. Buildings and parking will be accessed by the closest point of entry to the core without crossing the core. Refer to the “Service Vehicle Access Map” in the Forms and Tools section. VEHICLES SHALL NOT BLOCK BUILDING AIR INTAKES, STAIRS, PEDESTRIAN WALKWAYS, OR DOORWAYS.
  2. Authorized delivery, vendor, and contractor vehicles may access the campus pedestrian core by driving on designated paved surfaces in accordance with directives from Parking and Transportation Services, the Lory Student Center Executive Director, or as described in their contract with the University. The departmental contracting authority will convey access instructions to the vendor/contractor.
  3. Vehicles on display for programmed functions or special events will follow specific guidelines from the Facilities Scheduling Office or as prescribed by the University office or department in charge of the event or function. Access to the Lory Student Center and Moby Arena will be handled per established policies for those facilities. Driving privileges in the core area may be revoked if violations of this policy are observed. Violations include taking the right of way from pedestrians or bicycles, driving through pedestrian areas during class change, driving on areas not designated for vehicles, excessive speed, and other safety violations.
  4. Primary Routes for Service Vehicles
  5. The designated route for authorized service vehicle access of the core campus (i.e. the pedestrian mall) is an external service circulation loop around the core, defined by the following streets.
  • NORTH: Plum Street from Meridian, east through the Engineering lot to Music Drive and to the Oval
  • EAST: The Oval to East Drive
  • SOUTH: Lake Street
  • WEST: Meridian

This route is intended for 24/7 access. The intent behind this loop road is to facilitate access without vehicles crossing the pedestrian mall.

Direct access to buildings within this defined area is via Pitkin Street up to the Pedestrian mall, but not including Newton’s Corner; University Avenue up to Clark A on the east and the LSC Theatre on the west; Isotope Drive, beyond the Water Plaza.

As indicated above, all direct routes will terminate prior to the pedestrian mall. See the Service Vehicle Access Map.

   6.  Access Restrictions

Direct access to the pedestrian mall is:

  • Not allowed as a pass-through route to move between east and west.
    • The external service circulation loop has been developed for this purpose.
  • Not allowed during university-defined class change times, between the hours of 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.
  • Acceptable during off-hours, when practicable, and highly discouraged between the hours of 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

   7.  Speed Limit and Right-of-Way

  • If access to the campus pedestrian core is required, then vehicle speed is always limited to no more than 5 miles per hour.
  • Vehicle operators must yield to bikes and pedestrians at all times. PEDESTRIANS HAVE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY.
  • Vehicles are not permitted to drive on landscaped or turf areas unless authorized or in the event of an emergency.
  • All parking regulations apply in the campus core area.


Failure to comply may result in issuance of a citation by CSU Police, revocation of any University-issued vehicle or parking permit, and disabling or towing of any illegally parked vehicle.


Campus Map

CSU Parking Map 

CSU Parking Regulations 

Service Vehicle Access Map


Effective 2000 Fall Semester

Revised 6/1/2011

Revision approved by Lynn Johnson, Vice President for University Operations February 10, 2019