Policies of Colorado State University

University Policy

University Seal
Policy Title: Animal Care and Use Category: Research
Owner: Vice President for Research Policy ID#: 7-2001-003
Research Integrity & Compliance Review Office (RICRO)
Web: https://www.research.colostate.edu/ricro
Phone: (970) 491-1553

Also Contact:
Lab Animal Resources
Web: https://www.research.colostate.edu/lar/
Phone: 970-491-7364
Original Effective Date: 11/16/2009
Last Revision: 8/3/2019


As a research and teaching institution, Colorado State University is obligated to meet federal standards regarding their animal care policies and practices. Everyone using animals for research, teaching, and/or testing is required to comply with applicable federal regulations that provide minimum requirements for ethical care and use of animal subjects. Therefore, CSU IACUC has developed Policies and Guidelines that communicate these expectations regarding animal care and use.  This policy supersedes Animal Acquisitions 7-2001-001 and Animal Adoptions 7-2001-002.


This policy applies to all uses of live, vertebrate animals in any research, teaching, and/or testing conducted by or at the request of any CSU person (faculty, staff, or students).


Animal: Any live, vertebrate animal used or intended for use in research, teaching, and/or testing.

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC): The sole ethical oversight body at the institution that approves the use of animals used for research, teaching, and/or testing.

  • A faculty-governed committee appointed by the IO to review and approve the use of animal in research, teaching, and/or testing.
  • The IACUC recommends actions necessary to maintain and/or improve the animal care and use program.
  • The IACUC is responsible for specific duties as stated in federal regulations and policies.

Institutional Official (IO):  Individual at a research facility who is authorized to legally commit on behalf of the research facility that the requirements of the federal regulations and institutional IACUC policies will be met. At CSU, this is the Vice President for Research, as delegated by the CSU President.

IACUC Protocol: Document reviewed by the IACUC outlining animal activities that fall under IACUC purview.

Laboratory Animal Resources (LAR): LAR is the centralized unit responsible for animal acquisition and animal care.  

Principal Investigators (PIs): PIs are legally responsible to ensure that all activities in the protocol are done as described. PIs are expected to be familiar with the provisions of this Policy, as well as related IACUC Policies, Guidelines, and procedures. This includes animal acquisition and disposition.

Research Integrity and Compliance Review Office (RICRO): Office housing the administrative staff who facilitate reviews on behalf of the IACUC.


All CSU research, teaching and/or testing involving animals must adhere to IACUC policies and guidelines, and the protocols for these activities must be submitted by the project PIs for review and approval by the IACUC prior to the start of the activity. All activities performed by the IACUC are coordinated and communicated by administrative staff within RICRO, in collaboration with Lab Animal Resources.

LAR oversees the care and management of animals used in research and teaching at Colorado State University and provides animal holding space for small and large animals including animal biosafety level 3. LAR collaborates with investigators to meet their research needs by providing a full-spectrum of animal care and related services.

IACUC policies and guidelines are found on the IACUC website. IACUC policies may be revised with the approval of the Vice President for Research, as the Institutional Official, upon the recommendation of the IACUC and subject to legal review by the Office of General Counsel.


USDA Animal Care Animal Welfare Act and Animal Welfare Regulations

PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animal

Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals

Laboratory Animal Resources

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

IACUC Policies and Guidelines

Reporting Animal Welfare Concerns


Original Effective Date 11/16/2009

Revision approved 8/3/2019 by Lynn Johnson, Vice President for University Operations