Policies of Colorado State University

University Policy

University Seal
Policy Title: Academic Policies Responsibility of Faculty Category: Academic Affairs/Faculty
Owner: Provost/Executive Vice President Policy ID#: 1-1001-001
Faculty Council Executive Committee
Web: http://facultycouncil.colostate.edu/
Phone: (970) 491-5693

Also Contact:
University Curriculum Committee
Web: http://curriculum.colostate.edu/
Email: curriculum_catalog@colostate.edu
Phone: 970-491-2429
Original Effective Date: 9/6/2013
Last Revision: 9/6/2013

Within the University the major policy making body on academic affairs is the Faculty Council. The Council is a representative body of elected and ex-officio members having jurisdiction over educational policy, rules and regulations.

The Faculty Council was established by the faculty in 1915. The Council acts as a representative body for the academic faculty and performs those duties delegated to the faculty by acts of the legislature. Faculty government is an instrument by which the collective intelligence of the institution through direct and representative participation can do effective work in establishing policies. Membership consists of one elected representative from each academic department and an equal number of college representatives proportionate to the sum of academic faculty members in each college as voting members.

The University Curriculum Committee (UCC) of Faculty Council approves all policies and procedures regarding academic curriculum. The Curriculum and Catalog Administration Office maintains the Curricular Policies and Procedures.

For more information, see: Faculty Council Responsibilities

Source: AFAPM C.1