Policies of Colorado State University

University Policy

University Seal
Policy Title: Student Called to Active Duty Category: Student Affairs
Owner: Vice President for Student Affairs Policy ID#: 8-8004-008
Adult Learner and Veteran Services
Web: https://alvs.colostate.edu/
Phone: 970-491-3977
Original Effective Date: 1/1/2000
Last Revision: 6/16/2020


The purpose of this policy is to provide students who are called to active military duty with options for withdrawing from their classes.


This policy applies to all Colorado State University students who are called to active military duty in the United States Armed Forces (and members of the Canadian military stationed in Colorado) while enrolled at the University.


University Withdrawal: A student withdrawing from all classes for a given term, starting the first day of the term and on or before the last day of classes before Final Exams week.


In response to military action declared by the President of the United States or Congress in which United States forces are being called into active duty, the university will assist any student called to active military service in making the best possible transition, including a refund of tuition in appropriate circumstances. CSU follows this policy for the duration of such actions.


  1. Students are encouraged to work with Adult Learner and Veterans Services (ALVS) as the primary point of contact. Depending on when in the semester the student is called to duty, different options may be available including late course withdrawals, incompletes, or University Withdrawal.
  2. Faculty are required to assist students called to active duty with course deadlines, assessments and possible course incompletes for the course.
  3. Students anticipating being gone for a limited amount of time are encouraged to work with ALVS in order to explore options for continuing coursework or selected withdrawals from individual courses.
  4. Course Incompletes for Call to Active Duty
    1. If the student opts for a grade of incomplete for the course, tuition will not be refunded. The grade of incomplete will remain on the student's record for a period not to exceed one year following the end of the semester in which the student re-enrolls at CSU. By this date, the grade will be changed by the instructor or department head of record, or it will convert to a grade of "F." It will be the responsibility of ALVS staff to inform the Office of the Registrar if Incompletes need to be given to the student.
    2. The course instructor is responsible for entering the grade of incomplete for the course.
  5. Selected Course Withdrawal from Individual Courses To drop or withdraw from a course after the add/drop or withdrawal deadlines you must complete a registration appeal. The Registration Appeal Form should be printed off and submitted with the appropriate documentation as listed on the checklist to the Office of the Registrar. Normally, a decision is made within four weeks and you will be notified by email.
  6. University Withdrawal for Call to Active Duty
    1. To complete a University Withdrawal a student should do so online, through RAMweb.
    2. Ideally, you will have your deployment orders in hand when you visit ALVS. If you do not have your orders with you, or can only complete the withdrawal over the phone, then you can submit the orders to ALVS. Contact ALVS at 970-491-3977 or email lisa.chandler@colostate.edu. When ALVS receives the orders, your tuition for that semester will be refunded.
    3. If you are deployed between academic terms (for example, at the end of the semester or over the summer), you do not need to withdraw online or contact ALVS to withdraw; however, you do need to be sure you have cancelled your registration for the upcoming term. You may cancel courses on RAMweb.
    4. Graduate students: Please be sure to review your options for Continuous Registration versus the Graduate Form 1B (Graduate Application for Readmission) as you make arrangements for your deployment.
    5. Short-term deployments may not require a University Withdrawal, depending upon the length of the deployment and when in the semester it occurs. Students given orders for a short-term deployment should work directly with their instructors, who are strongly encouraged to accommodate deployed students with a reasonable plan for making up work. Students who are advised they may be assessed a penalty for the absence should contact Adult Learner and Veteran Services (ALVS) to inform the Office of Registrar to to take off the assessment charges If you have any questions about the withdrawal process, be sure to consult ALVS.
  7. Returning to CSU (whether deployed during the academic term or between terms)
    1. Returning undergraduate students should go to the Admissions website for information on the Undergraduate Intent to Return process.
    2. The Intent to Return form asks you which semester you plan to return to CSU. As soon as you know when you will return, you should submit the form so that you can register for classes in a timely manner. Please note the relevant application deadline. Keep your academic advisor apprised of your plans—by phone or email if necessary—so that your advisor can make sure that you have a schedule figured out for your returning semester.
    3. Returning graduate students who have not utilized Continuous Registration must complete and submit a Graduate School Form 1B (Graduate Application for Readmission) and a copy of the deployment orders in order to have the $150 readmission fee waived.
    4. Graduate students who choose to utilize Continuous Registration during their deployment are not required to reapply when they return, but they will be charged $150 and the University Technology Fee per academic term that they are away, and the continuous registration fee is NOT waived for deployment.


For assistance with interpretation or application of this policy, contact ALVS.


Academic Faculty and Administrative Professional Manual Section I.11

Office of the Registrar--University Withdrawal--Website

Adult Learner and Veteran’s Services (ALVS) website


Effective January 1, 2000

Revision approved August 9, 2019 (per Faculty Manual I.11)

Revision approved by Lynn Johnson, Vice President for University Operations, on June 16, 2020