Policies of Colorado State University

University Policy

University Seal
Policy Title: Building Proctor Manual Category: CSU Manuals and Guides
Owner: Vice President for University Operations Policy ID#: 11-6030-001
Facilities Management-Dispatch
Web: https://www.fm.colostate.edu/
Email: fac_pg_shared_dispatch@mail.colostate.edu
Phone: (970) 491-0077
Original Effective Date: 1/13/2015
Last Revision: 7/1/2022

Building Proctors act as liaisons between their respective building occupants and Facilities Management, Environmental Health Services and/or Colorado State University Police Department (CSUPD). Proctors are “building inspectors” on a limited scale. The purpose of the Building Proctor Manual is to establish the authority of Proctors and provide guidance in carrying out their responsibilities.

The CSU Building Proctor Manual is available online from the Department of Facilities Management.