Policies of Colorado State University

University Policy

University Seal
Policy Title: Campus Facility Use Manual Category: CSU Manuals and Guides
Owner: Vice President for University Operations Policy ID#: 11-6030-002
Facilities Management-Dispatch
Web: https://www.fm.colostate.edu/
Email: fac_pg_shared_dispatch@mail.colostate.edu
Phone: (970) 491-0077
Original Effective Date: 4/1/1999
Last Revision: 6/14/2019


University facilities are in constant demand for use by CSU departments, groups and individuals as well as those external to the university. Meeting this demand while avoiding scheduling conflicts and preserving and protecting the facilities and their users is a complex and challenging process. In order to best serve the interests of the university, treat all users fairly, and assure the continuing availability of high quality facilities, the Department of Facilities Management has issued this Campus Facility Use Manual.


This manual represents the university’s official policy. The goals of this policy are:

  1. To centralize and coordinate the process of scheduling facilities.
  2. To minimize scheduling conflicts throughout the campus community.
  3. To maintain and enforce consistent scheduling policies and priorities.
  4. To maintain and enforce consistent procedures.
  5. To maintain and enforce consistent fees and contracts for rental facilities.
  6. To increase campus awareness of events.
  7. To provide a designated liaison to the local community with regard to scheduling of programs and events on campus.
  8. To increase the use of campus facilities, thus providing additional revenue to the university.
  9. To aid in the coordination of academic and non-academic scheduling priorities.
  10. To help protect the safety of the university community and preserve the integrity and condition of the university’s facilities.

To access the Campus Facility Use Manual online, go to: https://www.fm.colostate.edu/wp-dev/wp-content/uploads/FacilityUseManual.pdf



Prior revision effective 10/4/2013

Revision approved 3/1/2015

Revision approved 7/10/2015

Revision approved 6/15/2019 by Lynn Johnson, Vice President for University Operations